Peer Review

 | Post date: 2018/09/10 | 
Jorjani Biomed J is following COPE policies on the transparrency of all peer-review processes (

The double blind peer-review process
All manuscripts submitted to Jorjani Biomed J will receive an ID and undergo editorial and double blind peer-review processes, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Steps of the review process are as follows:
I. Manuscript submission: The author(s) can submit manuscripts through the online system according to the Instructions for authors.
II. Editorial office assessment: Primarily, the editorial board will check all manuscripts submitted in terms of relevance to the scopes of the journal, the manuscript format and originality and plagiarism. The plagiarism of the manuscript will be checked by iThenticate software before proceeding for the scientific and methodological review steps.
III. Editorial office assessment result:
  1. Editorial fast rejection: the manuscripts with subjects not included in aims of the journal
  2. Editorial approval: Satisfactory manuscripts will be approved by the editor in chief. The originality and novelty of the manuscript will be considered in this step.
  3. Editorial revision required
IV. Editorial revision by author: All the manuscript requiring editorial revision will be sent back to the authors for corrections. It will include the manuscript format and illustrations resolution.
V. Reviewer assignment: Based on the subject and keywords of the manuscript, at least three reviewers will be assigned by the scientific editors under supervision of the editor in chief.
VI. Peer review process: Two or more scientific reviewers and one mythology reviewer (if applicable). The review process will be double blind and the reviewers’ comments will be sent to the corresponding author in less than four weeks
VII. Decision: Final decision will be made regarding the comments of the reviewers. The results include accept, minor revision, major revision or reject.
VIII. Revision by authors: The manuscript requiring minor or major revisions will be sent back to the author with the decision letter. In the case of revision, all the reviewer's comments should be addressed and revised accordingly. The author is requested to send the corrected manuscript and the tracked format to the editorial office. All the revisions should be listed in the cover letter in detail.
IX. Assessment of revised version: All the revisions should be approved by the reviews and scientific editors. All the reviewer's comments should be addressed and revised accordingly. Then, the paper will go for the final production and publication.
X. Final accept and paper production:  Manuscripts with grammatical errors or poor English writing will undergo language editing free of charge.
All review processes (from manuscript receiving to the final decision) will take about three months. Summary of the peer-review process is presented in the diagram below:


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